Pulse Radio

Driving Digital Harmony

Allowing music curators and creators to create their own music channels


Deepend built the Pulse Radio website in 2010 with a road map to advance the websites functionality allowing Pulse to become online leaders in DIY Radio within the Electronic Music world. The Challenge was to strategise, design and implement a complex algorithmic user flow that allowed music curators and creators to create their own music channels were as they can share, upload and broadcast their own mixtapes, podcasts and radio shows. While broadcasting the music they are passionate about, by favouring, collating and listening to music and articles. Pulse wanted to be a professional and powerful broadcast tool that could compete in the social media age, whilst providing artists and members a next generation radio experience.


Deepend successfully implemented the application's functionality onto the Pulse website allowing Pulse members to now Join/Sign in to Pulse and create a channel where as a artist or member can view and manage their own public facing page. Members now have the ability to apply for a professional channel which allows them to Upload mixtapes and podcasts and share them with their followers on Pulse and their other Social Media platforms. Members can manage multipul channels within the one place and switch between them simply and easily. Members can also Share, Follow, Favourite, Heart others they are passionate about which then automatically collates them to their public channel view.



It’s still early days, but the uptake of the DIY concept has been exponential and the feedback really positive. With over 2000 channels created in the first 3 month it’s a testament to excitement that that the online station and concept is causing.