Australian Drug Foundation

Being Good Sports

The ADF have created a website that is keeping things healthy


The Australian Drug Foundation approached Deepend about creating a website for the national sports development program, Good Sports. The website would be a repository of information for the 4000 sporting clubs around Australia that are part of the Good Sports Program. The site had already garnered a strong following but the ADF wanted to combat the challenge of site usage and the reach of their very important message of community involvement with sport. 


Deepend under took thorough research on the audiences that used the Good Sports website and gleaned that the strategy needed to focus on driving traffic to the site and creating conversation with the varied groups of people involved. The design of the site was about simplification and making the joining process easy thanks to effective user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). The site was designed to efficiently distribute key messages and action sports clubs to get on board, register and interact.


With close to 20,000 site visits the Good Sports website has garnered unprecedented results. The membership sign ups increased dramatically and the platform that the site has created has allowed for the Australian Drug Foundation to really understand its audience and create meaningful interactions with them. The power of this digital community is strengthened through the results of returning visitors with over a quarter of visitors to the site returning a second time. 

Creating a digital
community for sports clubs around Australia